Unleash Your Team Performance
If you need to build a new team, transform your existing team or develop your team’s strategic roadmap — Peter’s leadership workshops will enable you to get your team to the next level.
The leadership workshops are tailored for your needs and your industry, and adapted to the seniority of your audience — from Senior Leadership Teams through Functional Management Teams to Key Project Teams.
Peter’s leadership workshops will bring inspiration and empowerment to your leadership retreat, management meeting or your international project kick off meeting.
Why booking Peter as your workshop facilitator?
3 good reasons
Proven methodology — Peter’s management system “The 10 Big Rocks” have been implemented by 200+ multinationals, SME and NGOs
Accelerated Learning through Experience — numerous “games” and group activities — create a “stressful” but “safe” environment to practice and learn
The playful atmosphere, masterful facilitation and practical advise by Peter will equip your participants with new insights and pragmatic tools applicable for Online, In Person or Hybrid events.
«I would strongly recommend the Virtual Power Teams Workshop, as a breakthrough exercise for Teams with challenging targets and competitive market contexts. «
Dmitry Zagnetin
Business Unit Manager, British American Tobacco
3 Tailored Leadership Workshops

Build Your Virtual Power Team
Proven method for motivating home office workers and building powerful virtual teams
Tailored Workshop “Virtual Power Teams – how to deliver projects faster, reduce cost and develop your organization for the Future! — In Person or Online! Often in virtual teams people feel anonymous, isolated and unmotivated. This leads to project delays and sometimes endangers international investments.
Create an appealing Vision, Goals and Strategic Roadmaps
Gain clarity, empowerment and ownership for your management team and the entire organisation.
Are your people fully engaged? Does virtual and hybrid working impacts their level of commitment? In poorly led virtual teams the people “get lost in space” they lose gravity to the team goal and that deteriorates the team performance. The workshop will help you to create an appealing vision, annual goals and strategic roadmaps that will inspire your team.

Unleash Performance in Hybrid Teams
Establish hybrid working policy and structured communication!
Do you have a policy for hybrid working? Are your people showing up committed in the office? In many organisation the managers struggle to bring people back in the office. People enjoy “undisturbed” individual productivity. They could spend more time with family and friends. On the other hand the group creativity gets “unleashed” in well moderated face to face interactions. How to strike the right balance between Online, Office and Hybrid.
Workshop Facilitator for New Leadership and Virtual Teams Management
Get Your Tailored Workshop Proposal