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Executive Coaching

Peter’s executive coaching supports Senior Managers and Executives to achieve peak performance in business and life. Peter is very considerate, reaching in his treasure chest as a award winning manager and successful athlete – showing by example, allowing practice and then providing lots of practical feedback.

His  formula for “Peak performance” enables all aspects of mental, physical and emotional mastery. All coaching is done with utmost care but also challenging the executives to stretch and unleash their full potential.

Some of the most common Executive Coaching categories:

“Peter has a talent to truly inspire people to become better leaders”

Ulrich Heppe

CEO Fraport Bulgaria

3 Executive Coaching Categories

Keynote Speaker virtual teams

Executive coaching on existing challenge or goal

This could be any challenge that you as an executive are facing. We will develop a roadmap for achieving your goal and enable the resources you need for success.

Personal Mastery for Peak Performance

We will enable and practice the mental, physical and emotional strategies for success. Peter will help you achieve and maintain the “peak state” thus unleashinging your top performance.

Keynote Speaker virtual teams
Keynote Speaker virtual teams

Be the Champion

You will learn and practice effective mental models and methods form high performance sports for your self and team motivation. Peter will reveal and coach you the “secrets” that enabled him to become a World Masters Champion in discus throwing.


Executive Coach for Peak Performance

Personal Mastery Coaching

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